Posted at 15:41h
by Isabelle
Written by Dionne Hutchinson
let’s travel in my time machine
of words
in pursuit of the then and now.
Is it the color of my skin that determines the level of my education?
Is it the thickness of my accent that determines my life’s ambition
Is it the shape...
Posted at 19:26h
by Isabelle
We landed on the small island nation of Sri Lanka after 18 hours of travel and somewhere along the transit I contracted a nasty bug that made me intimately familiar with our first home-stay bathroom. After regaining a bit of strength and literally leaning on...
Posted at 21:54h
by Isabelle
The cape winelands are a hilly region east of Cape Town in South Africa. The views of the mountains are spectacular, the sunrises send streaks of pink and purple across the skies as the clouds roll over the tops of the peaks into the valley.
Posted at 21:51h
by Isabelle
Madagascar is one of those places where you become instantly spellbound as soon as you arrive. We didn't post any photos during our time there because we were just IN IT, absorbing the moments and flowing from experience to experience. We were blessed to find...
Posted at 21:38h
by Isabelle
In this particular spot on the Maasai Mara, you can look in any direction and there is nothing around to obstruct your vision. The horizon meets the ground at a perfect 90 degree angle.
Large herds of cattle, goats and sheep graze peacefully as their shadows...
Posted at 21:36h
by Michael
Without a second thought, I turn the knob and clean drinking water flows out and into my glass.
I drink it, and sometimes I let the water run down the drain as I am doing so.
This in an incredible luxury that I will be much more...
Posted at 21:34h
by Isabelle
The sun has just dipped into the ocean and the reggae band begun their first jam when we noticed two men with “peace officers†printed on the backs of their shirts, exchange a few quick words before one of them ran off clutching a wooden...
Posted at 21:31h
by Michael
I’d like to think of myself as a cultured person.
I have traveled to many countries around the world as a filmmaker, working on projects. When working in poorer situations I always had a hotel with amenities I used as a home base. Something that would...