A bold new global agenda to pursue a sustainable future was unanimously adopted by all Member States of the United Nations in 2015. “The new agenda is a promise by leaders to all people everywhere. It is a universal, integrated and transformative vision for a better world.â€
– UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon
“We are committed to a sustainable path to prosperity. It comes from the natural instinct of our tradition and culture. But, it is also rooted firmly in our commitment to the future. We represent a culture that calls our planet Mother Earth.â€
GUATAM – Indian chef spreads happiness through his craft
Approximately 90% of marriages in India are considered arranged marriages. (UNICEF, Child Marriage Report, 2012)
The Caste System (Jati) goes back thousands of years, and continues to influence access to some jobs. (Donald Johnson and Jean Johnson, “Jati: The Caste System in India,†The Asia Society, August 19, 2008.)
So far, India has lost all five of their matches for the 2018 World Cup qualifiers and is currently ranked 166th in FIFA’s global rankings, but the national team still has a shot at qualifying for the 2019 Asian Cup. (CNBC, “India has soccer fever, but is it World Cup-ready†December 2015)
13.4% of Indian working women have a regular salaried job compared to  21.2% of working men (aged 15–59) (International Labour Organization, Global Employment Trends 2014: Risk of Jobless Recovery, 2014).
Approximately 60% of land in India is deemed “agricultural land†– land which is arable, under permanent crops, or  under permanent pastures (World Bank, Agricultural land, India statistics, 2013)
Life expectancy in India is 68 years (World Development Indicators, World Bank, 2015)
Fewer Than Half of Indians in their 20s Have Completed Secondary Education (Center for Strategic & International Studies,Global Aging and the Future Emerging Markets, 2011: p. 23.)
Only 5% of India’s population is older than 65. (Population Reference Bureau, “India,†(2014).
Many army officials become guards at historic forts and temples in India after leaving the army.
Approximately 30% of all Indian women live in cities (Ministry of Statistics & Programme Implementation, “Statistical Year Book India 2015, “Table 2.8 Projected Total/Urban Population By Sex as on 1st March†(2015).